Thursday, July 24, 2008


This is the Websters Dictionary definition of ramble.
intransitive verb
1a: to move aimlessly from place to place b: to explore idly
2: to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion
3: to grow or extend irregularly
transitive verb
: to wander over

Now my hope is that my life does not ever fit into the first definition; moving about aimlessly. that is no way to go through life. Sure there are times in life where we hit a wall and it seems that we have no direction, at the time, but the overall grand sceme of life needs to have an aim, needs to have a purpose. We are all on a journey to figure out our purpose here on earth, and the key thing here is that we all have a purpose. We were not put here by chance, doomed to ramble until we die. No, I believe that life truly starts to happen when you finds and lives out your purpose.

to talk or write in a desultory or long-winded wandering fashion...this is me. This is how I function. This is how I process. I ramble. Well it may seem like rambling, but really I am processing my thoughts. I am a verbal processore. Anyone who has spent any amount of time with me will know that when trying to figure out what is going on inside my head and my heart, I need to talk it out. It may seem like a ramble. It may seem like there is no aim to what I am saying, but I am figuring things out. And when I figure out what it is I need to figure out, well, I stop talking.

So I think to call this blog My Ramblings is fitting because I don't really know what will come of this blog...things may seem aimless at times...but I think there is a purpose in me until that purpose is discovered I will write and hopefully make some great discoveries along the way.